2025 National Days of Remembrance
2025 National Tribute Dinner
Please fix the following errors:
Please complete this form to register for the 2025 National Days of Remembrance.
Please complete this form to reserve your seats at $85 per person for the Legacy of Light Society luncheon and Museum briefing.
Please complete this form to register for the Donors Wall unveilings, program, and reception at the Museum.
Please complete this form to register for the Days of Remembrance Ceremony at the US Capitol.
Please complete this form to register for the Days of Remembrance Ceremony at the US Capitol and the National Tribute Dinner.
Please complete this form to register for the 2025 National Tribute Dinner.
With your $250,000 sponsorship, you receive 20 seats
With your $100,000 sponsorship, you receive 10 seats
With your $50,000 sponsorship, you receive 10 seats
With your $25,000 sponsorship, you receive 10 seats
With your $18,000 sponsorship, you receive 8 seats
With your $10,000 sponsorship, you receive 6 seats
With your $6,000 sponsorship, you receive 4 seats
With your $1,800 sponsorship, you receive 2 seats
You will have an opportunity to register your guest(s) and provide more information on the Add Guest(s) page. Please note: first name, last name, and email address are required to complete registration at this time.
Thank you for confirming that you will not utilize the sponsorship seats.
To enhance your data security and comply with privacy laws, we kindly request that you create a password to complete your registration. This will also give you the convenience of modifying your registration and speed up your next registration.
If you would like to sponsor the event in an amount not listed, please contact the Mid-Atlantic Regional Office at midatlanticoutreach@ushmm.org.